Okay basically , on that day we're having our study-group as the exam really push us in like a hell --' Of course Atus joined ! So it was three of us . It was hilarious i must say , i missed Nina so much since we haven't hang around together just like that , i missed my time with her :) So after Atus got back , Nina and I sat along at the park together , just for minutes before it's dawn . Nina keep telling me about his beloved boyfie and yeah , it makes me like 'goshhh , when could i be like 'em ?' Nina such a genius conversationalist on that very moment , she'd begun to say something like 'you know what ? you're deserve to get someone in your life , you shouldn't stay still like this . Never give up to find your Mr. Right ! I have never surrender to find 'em .' i was like 'realllyyy ?' she began to convince about everything . And i have told her everything that happened on me , when i was being jerk by someone , how was i've been cheated and how cruel they are , they who'd hurt me :( Not only that , i also told her how despair i am to have any of more this relation thingy with guys --' She then motivated me , and told me that its all are totally wrong and mistaken . She said 'nana , no matter how awful you've been cheated and you'll be cheated , you've to find your Mr.Right , you'll be pretty fine when only you find him . You should give a chance to the others , one of them might be that Mr.Right !' She's true right ?
After all , i decided to ask the apologize to whom i had hurt to . I'd text Syafiq , Shazreen , Iman(i don't get any delivery report) . Apish ? NO , not at all . Hm , R ? Absolutely not . I was try to recall all of 'em but i've just got a lil of 'em . So Syafiq's reaction was like 'heyyy , why all of a sudden ?' so was Shazreen . I then told 'em all the things and they was like 'ohh good . you're now realize it !'
Guyss , is it fine when i turn like this ? Or should i keep be my lame personality ? Haha
Thanks a bunch to Nina anyway .
Well , i've got a mission guysss !